21 May 2006

Where did these images come from?

I have taken most of the photos for this blog, but it has to be said that the closeups and many more, are the work of friends who DO know how to use their cameras well.

Others images are taken from the South Australian Tourism's "Kangaroo Island Visitor and Information Guide" available from www.tourkangarooisland.com.au

There is a more general SouthAustralian information source at www.southaustralia.com which touts South Australia as "a brilliant blend".

Maps and uptodate road advice is available from the RAA of SA at http://www.raa.net/

Less detailed maps are at http://www.southaustralia.com/maps.asp with the map of Kangaroo Island itself at
http://www.southaustralia.com/maps_region.asp?page_title=kangaroo%20 island

The maps are available as Acrobat Reader files, however if you are not already a user of the Foxit Reader, then may I take this opportunity to introduce it. It is free, a small download and effective. http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php

Finally, a tribute to the people who taught me to have a go at this kind of technology, the contributors to the ABC's Tech Talk Forum at http://www2b.abc.net.au/science/techtalk/

And for good listening of all kinds:)

www.abc.net.au " ... (Y)OUR ABC"

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