A major problem along Kangaroo Island's roadsides and creeks, are garden plants that have become pests in the bush.
Possibly the biggest problem throughout the Island has been Bridal Creeper, but sometimes it seems that everywhere you look, your eye is taken by what turns out to be a weed of significance.

One of the most chastening moments for anyone at all aware of weeds and their costs to indigenous plants, is the first plant you encounter at the ferry terminal in Penneshaw ... or perhaps I am wrong?
Perhaps it IS an indigenous species?
Here it is, Coprosma repens.
From which "Looking glass bush smothers other plants. It has become naturalised in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. In Tasmania it is a weed of the Furneaux Island group. It grows on coastal headlands and heathland and tolerates drought, fire and most soil types. It is resistant to salt spray and often grown in coastal gardens because of its hardiness. "
I forgot to say that The Weed Queen identified this for me ... many thanks to her, yet again.
Of course it is an indigenous species.
in New Zealand.
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